I work a regular job in a warehouse where I rarely need to use my critical thinking skills (I do get to drive a forklift, though). So, I listen to around 40 hours worth of podcasts a week, and here’s what I recommend from this past week...
Blank Check with Griffin & David - Inland Empire w/ David Reese
Before this mini-series started, the only David Lynch film I had seen was Blue Velvet and Eraserhead. Now, I have also watched his version of Dune — although it was the version that he took his name off of, so I guess technically, it’s not his version of Dune.
I know Lynch is notoriously a weird director, and listening to these episodes about his movies that I’ve never seen doesn’t refute that fact. But I don’t get the sense that they’re impenetrable. This one may be one of his most obtuse (which I’m going to give a try thanks to the Black Friday HBO sale), but hearing specifically host Griffin talk about what he gets from this film really piques my interest.
Blank Check also has a new Substack where they touch on some research for the films they cover that were left out during the episode. And I guess the overarching theme that this miniseries touches on, is you could spend your entire life trying to break-down Lynch’s work, and probably not come up with anything definitive. But I don’t think that it would be frustrating. You would get to go some satisfying places, and know that there are still more frontiers to explore.
WTF with Marc Maron - #1594: Anthony Jesselnik
I only knew Jesselnik from his show The Jesselnik Offensive — which I’ll admit, I never watched. His entire smarmy East Coast shit-stirrer persona turned me off, so I never gave him the chance.
However, this may just be his persona (although many comedians have turned that kind of attitude into their entire personality), and he might be a pretty normal guy. He’s got a new special out, and maybe I’ll give it a chance.
High & Mighty with Jon Gabrus - #494: 10th Annual Power Hour (w/ Gilli Nissim, Ify Nwadiwe, Mike Mitchell, Oscar Montoya, Betsy Sodaro, Nick Wiger)
You can never go wrong with a Power Hour — unless you happen to be doing one, then it’s up in the air.
Even though it seems like there are more people than are usually on one of these shows, it’s not as chaotic as it could be. Everyone seems like they kept it together, with Ify sounding the most drunk at the end.
The Final Fantasy tangent at the beginning let me know this was gonna be a good one.